Friday, 11 July 2014

A Breathtaking Landscape in a 'city' area

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Can you believe this photograph was taken in the ‘city’ area of Tokyo?

Of course, we can define the ‘city’ is from where to where in a very various way, but the photographed location is just 35km away from the central Tokyo. I can say this is a downtown area. Actually, people commute to Tokyo from this suburb.

I like this place so much that I paid a visit three times in three weeks. In this downtown area, this landscape that has a very big bridge appears in a sudden after climbing up 1km by bike. I had to take my breath away when I visited this for the first time.

This is surely one of the breathtaking places that you can see in the suburb of Tokyo.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Golden Time

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Today, unbelievably, we had no rain during the rainy season in Tokyo. Some people say that the summer has come already and it has been too hot. Others, like me, say that the summer has not come here yet, but today is not too hot, but comfortably hot.

In the comfortable temperature, I decided to go to Tokyo and for the first time in my memory I walked around the Sumida river. (Actually I did the similar things before.) I couldn’t buy anything I intend to buy, and what was worse, I had no bike to enjoy this oasis-like weather in the middle of the rainy season.

What was worst was I had no camera to photograph the golden time. How could we photograph something without a camera? No matter how great my camera is, it is just a bulky item when it is just left at home, not in my bag.

I had to compromise to take a shot by my iPhone 5s, which is not suitable to this blog title. I know this is not suitable, but still every landscape was so great that I had to take an iPhone shot.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

A Completely Different Perspective.

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Oh, I am very sad this post is not ‘daily’ inspiration. This is a ‘season’ inspiration.

We tend to live on a daily life that continues the same thing again and again repeatedly. Yet, if we have a look at the usual things from a different perspective, that will show us completely different things.